

Medan City

Geographically, the city of Medan has a strategic position because it directly adjacent to the Malacca Strait in the north, so it is relatively close to the towns / more developed countries like the island of Penang Malaysia, Singapore and others. Similarly, the demographic of Medan has an estimated market share of the goods / services that are relatively large.

This is not apart from the relatively large number of population which in 2007 is estimated to have reached 2,083,156 inhabitants. Likewise, the economic structure of economically dominated by tertiary and secondary sectors, Medan potentially develop into a regional financial and trade center / national.Geographically

In general there are 3 (three) main factors affecting the performance of urban development, (1) geographical factors, (2) demographic factors and (3) socio-economic factors. These three factors are usually related to one another, which simultaneously affect the effectiveness and efficiency of urban development including investment choices.
In accordance with the dynamics of urban development, an area of ​​Medan city administration has gone through several developments. In the Year 1951, the Mayor of Medan issued Notice No. 21 dated 29 September 1951, an extensive set of Medan to 5130 hectares, covering 59 Sub-District 4 District. The declaration issued following the Mayor of Medan North Sumatra Governor's Decree No. 66/III/PSU dated 21 September 1951, the city of Medan to be extended to three-fold.

Through the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 22 of 1973 the city of Medan and then have a regional divisions consisting of 26 510 ha with 116 Sub District 11. Based on the same administrative area then through a Letter of Approval Number 140/2271/PUOD Minister, dated May 5, 1986, the city of Medan to be 144 Sub Sub division.

Recent developments based on the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra KDH Level I Number 140.22/2772.K/1996 dated 30 September 1996 on pendefitipan 7 at Village Level II Regional Municipality of Medan on the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 35 of 1992 on the establishment of some district in the Municipality of Provinces II Medan, Medan administratively bloomed again, is divided into 21 sub-district that covers 151 Village. Based on this administrative development of Medan and then grow geographically, demographically and socio economic.
Administratively, the city field is almost entirely bordered by Deli Serdang regency, namely West, South and East. Along its northern region immediately adjacent to the Strait of Malacca, which was known as one of the busiest traffic in the world. Deli Serdang regency is one of the areas rich with natural resources (SDA), particularly in the areas of plantation and forestry. Medan city geographically therefore supported by the areas rich natural resources such as the Deli Serdang, Labuhan Batu, Simalungun, North Tapanuli, South Tapanuli, Mandailing Natal, Karo, Binjai and others.

This condition makes the city of Medan is economically able to develop various cooperation and equal partnership, mutual benefit, strengthen the surrounding areas.

In addition as an area on the outskirts of the Malacca Straits shipping lanes, so the city of Medan has a strategic position as the gate (entrance) the trading of goods and services, both domestically and probe the domestic trade (exports-imports). The geographical position of Medan city has encouraged the development of the two poles of physical growth, the region awoke and Belawan Medan city center today.

In Demographic

Residents of Medan has an important characteristic, namely that include elements of religion, race ethnicity, culture and diversity (plural) indigenous customs. This raises the character of most of the population in an open field. In Demography, Medan currently also undergoing demographic transition. These conditions indicate the shift from a state where the birth rate and high mortality to a state where the birth rate and declining mortality. Various factors affecting the decline in birth rates is the change in the pattern of poor economic and social changes. On the other hand the existence of factors to improve nutrition, adequate health also affect mortality rates.

Known demographic transition in terms of population. This term refers to a process of shifting from a state where the birth rate and high mortality to a state where the birth rate and low mortality. The decline in the birth rate is caused by many factors, including changing patterns of thinking that people from obtaining education, and also caused by changes in the socio-economic aspects. Decline in death rates caused by the effect of improved nutrition community revenue growth. At this stage of population growth began to decline.At the end of this transition, both birth and death rates have not changed much longer, resulting in population also tend to not change much, except due to migration or urbanization factor.

Other population components generally describe a variety of different social dynamics that occur in society, both socially and culturally. Declining birth rate and death rate, increasing inter-regional migration flows and the process of urbanization, including the current space shuttle, affecting population policies are applied.

1 comment:

  1. Generally there are 3 main factors affecting the performance of urban development geographical factors,demographic factors and socio-economic factors.
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